Sunday 3 March 2013

Skin types

So What Is My Skin Type???

This is a very common question among us.Most of us don't know which skin type we have.If we know our skin we can treat it in better ways.Here is a quick glance on skin types that might help you discovering the type you own.
 There are basically five basic types of skin
  1. Normal
  2. Dry
  3. Oily
  4. Combination
  5. Sensitive
Now lets discuss them individually... 

1. Normal Skin
Normal skin type is a blessing as this type of skin rarely have any problems.To check your skin type you have to take a cotton pad or tissue paper and wipe your face with it, but in the morning when you first come out of your bed.If the tissue paper or cotton is clean with not a single spot of oil then Hurryyy.... its time to celebrate you have a normal skin. 

2. Dry Skin 
This skin type is also good and its very easy to take care of normal and dry skin.But as a matter of fact this type of skin looks rough and dry.To check if the cotton or tissue is clean with no oil then you have dry skin.

3. Oily Skin
People with oily skin always seems worried about their skins as this skin always looks greasy and glows.To check wipe the tissue paper or cotton on face.If your skin is oily then you will clearly see oil spots on the tissue.
It is also discovered that oily skin has a slowest aging effect and rarely shows wrinkles.

4. Combination skin
Have you ever listened a term called T-Zone area?
this is the area of forehead, nose and chin.People with combination skin type have oily skin in T-Zone area and dry on rest.For more clear idea see the picture..
If you have this type of skin then you should pay much attention to the fact that as you have a combination skin so you can not use a single type of product on all of your face. You have to use oily skin products on T-Zone and dry skin products on rest of the area.

5. Sensitive skin
This is the most problematic skin type i must say.This type of skin is sensitive to every product and every environment.It looks dry, tight and reddish.This skin type requires special care and time.
For a quick and easy concept see the picture.The dark color shows the most oily area and light color shows the least oily area.
I hope this information has helped you finding your skin type.

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